
How Investing in Fleet Tracking Saves You Money

May 17, 2018 Published by
red trucks in a row

After reading the title you might be wondering if spending money on tracking your fleet of trucks, vans or other vehicles could really save your company money? The simple answer is of course. Yes. Yes, it does. And there you have it. Article finished. Thank you for your time; enjoy the rest of your day. All kidding aside, now that you have the simple answer, let’s get into the nitty-gritty and go over 3 ways an investment in a good GPS fleet tracking system now will save you money. As is the case with many long-term expenses, this isn’t something... View Article

US Military Looking for Navigation Beyond GPS

May 10, 2018 Published by
Military and GPS Improvements3

Back in April, we explored a common question that’s on a lot of people’s minds about the navigation system so many of us rely on here in the United States in our post, How Secure are the Satellites that Keep GPS Service Running in the US? This piece is a sort of follow up to that post so we decided to explore the answer to the question: Is the US military looking for the next navigation system beyond GPS? Of course, as we pointed out in our other post, this is not a new concern, but an ongoing issue that’s... View Article

How You Can Use GPS to Make Art

May 3, 2018 Published by
The Siren of the Salish Sea - Stephen Lund

                  Exercise is good. In theory. It’s difficult, sweaty work, but a gym session is supposed to make you feel confident, look good, and give you the probably undeserved excuse to talk about how much better you are than everyone else. But how can we make exercise great? Exciting? Not a complete pain? The usual solutions for making something more fun aren’t good choices here, because they’re sort of antithetical to the whole point of dragging yourself to a treadmill in the first place. Alcohol? No. A pizza? No. A big hat?... View Article

Are GPS-Style Smart Boots the Next Tracking Solution?

April 26, 2018 Published by
GPS Smart Boots

                  For better or worse, GPS technology has become a constant in American life; something once designed for and regulated to military use is now as common to our day to day as a cup of coffee. From asking Siri to lead us home to using Google to find the Walmart closest to us, the technology has come a long way since NASA’s first satellite was sent up. So, where do we go from here? Even if it has become a ubiquitous feature of any and all smartphones, there’s still plenty of... View Article

How Secure are the Satellites that Keep GPS Service Running in the US?

April 19, 2018 Published by

The Global Positioning System (GPS) has gone from a Cold War era used to track the Soviet satellite, Sputnik to a navigation system for the military to what Nasa refers to as “a multi-use, space-based radio-navigation system owned by the US Government and operated by the United States Air Force to meet national defense, homeland security, civil, commercial, and scientific needs.” There are 2 levels of GPS service provided by this system. The military and other government agencies have access to the Precise Positioning Service (PPS). While the Standard Positioning Service (SPS) is available to everybody anywhere in the world.... View Article