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How to Navigate Without GPS Using a Map and Compass

July 12, 2018 Published by
Navigation Without GPS

Over the last decade or two, consumer use of GPS technology for navigation and tracking has exploded. We’re so reliant on GPS and map apps that use GPS to help us find our way around, most of us find it difficult to imagine a time when people actually were pretty good at finding our way from point A to point C and points in between for thousands of years with little to no technology or gear. These days most of us don’t know how to navigate without GPS. You might not know what to do if you can’t access your GPS... View Article

How Scientists Use GPS to Predict Tsunamis

July 5, 2018 Published by
GPS and Natural Disasters

In times of disaster, the best course of action may be the only logical one: get out of the way. When such is the case, timing is everything. If there is one thing that GPS is adept at, it’s improving our timing. It’s no surprise, then, that the same technology used to keep track of our company’s fleet as well as get us to the movies before the previews start is also being put to work in saving the lives of those in the danger zone. When Mother Nature gets restless, human lives are put at risk. Emergency broadcast systems... View Article

How GPS Technology Could Make Students Safer

June 28, 2018 Published by
GPS and School Safety

With so many news stories about children and teens in the news lately, especially when it comes to their wellbeing and safety, we decided to shift gears and look at some of the ways GPS tracking technologies are being employed by schools to help keep children safer, including as a possible solution for the prevention of school shootings. We found so many GPS  and other technological solutions that schools and parents are implementing to improve the safety of students, it would take a book to tell you about them all. Below you’ll find just a few of the ways that GPS... View Article

GPS Tracking at FIFA’s 2018 Worldcup in Russia

June 21, 2018 Published by
GPS Tracking Technology at 2018 World Cup

  Here at GPS Technologies, we like to write about our own GPS tracking solutions as well as on the world of GPS technology, including in the world of professional sports. We recently covered the use of Electronic Performance Tracking Systems (EPTS) and the NFL.   With the 2018 World Cup going on right now, we thought we’d turn our attention to a different type of football – soccer. The embrace of GPS and other tracking technologies by professional soccer occurred later than most professional sports, but since FIFA (International Federation of Football Association) approved Goal Line Technology (GLT)  in... View Article

How Legal Is It To Track Someone With GPS?

June 14, 2018 Published by
Malcolm Rosenfeld Blog 4 May 2018 - How Legal Is It To Track Someone With GPS_

Over the past few weeks, we’ve focused on GPS tracking and the workplace. We’ve talked about it from the perspective of employees, including when those employees are police officers, but we haven’t taken a closer look at the legal issues of GPS tracking. How legal is it to track someone with GPS? Unfortunately, there aren’t many laws that specifically mention GPS tracking. That means it’s often not clear whether an employer or individual can track someone with GPS. We’ll look into some areas where right now it’s legal to track your employees as well as where there might be some... View Article

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