Categories for GPS Monitoring Devices

8 Benefits of a Fleet Management Technology

December 2, 2020 Published by

There are few companies that have not considered in some way stepping forward in digital transformation and being more competitive in the sector in which they operate. One of the industries in which the new digital era is having a more disruptive impact is transportation — at the levels of manufacturers, operators, and users. This involves the connectivity of vehicles and the data they generate by applying fleet management technology in the overseeing of their fleet. What Is Fleet Management Technology? Fleet management systems are technological tools that allow the monitoring and control of fleets in charge of cargo transportation. Companies can easily,... View Article

Why Do We Need Dash Cameras With a GPS Function

November 11, 2020 Published by

Dash cameras are gaining popularity as people want to know what is happening in front of them. It is also a great way to track what is going on within fleet vehicles. GPS functions can be found in several dash cameras, and this offers an array of benefits to drivers and fleet owners alike. What are the Benefits of a Dash Camera? A dash camera offers an array of benefits. They are an affordable piece of hardware that can record hours of video. They can record when the vehicle is driving down the highway, and some even feature motion-sensors to... View Article

Benefits of Using a GPS App to Track Fleet

September 11, 2020 Published by

There are several benefits of using a GPS app to track your fleet. After all, several companies are using this method. Before we dive into the benefits of using a GPS app to track fleets, let’s quickly cover what exactly tracking fleets is. For truck companies, tracking fleets with a positioning system means that the company uses a Global Positioning System (GPS) to remotely keep track of their fleet of trucks making deliveries. To help you learn how you can get the most out of this method of tracking, here are some of the benefits of using a global positioning... View Article

6 Most Popular Free Asset Tracking Software Systems Compared

July 31, 2020 Published by

Inventory monitoring software systems, which are available free of charge to everyone, can be extremely helpful in the monitoring of shipments and freight. Since both the shippers and consumers are usually keen on advancing any shipment across the country or around the world, these free asset monitoring systems provide a very useful service. Many of these free systems have gained popularity because of their reliability and the robustness of the information they provide. What is an Open Source Tracking System? Open source monitoring systems are programs that are available for anyone who wants to use them, with their original source... View Article

What’s the Best GPS Tracking Software for Car Dealerships

July 24, 2020 Published by
GPS for cars best gps tracking software

The United States is a nation of cars, trucks, and highways. Unless you live in a densely packed city with fully functioning public transport, you will undoubtedly need a car to get to and from work. But let’s face it, most cities in the US do not meet this standard and, for those that do, the bulk of the country does not live there. While it’s true that the majority of people need a vehicle, a sizable swath of the population does not qualify for the financing they need to get a nice, brand-new car. That’s where “Buy Here, Pay... View Article

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