Author Archives for Malcolm Rosenfeld

Causes of Teen Driving Accidents

September 13, 2018 7:15 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Summer is almost over, and most of us hope temperatures will be falling soon. But one thing’s for sure, school is back in session, and that means more new drivers on the road. GPS and teen trackers can help you and your teenage children improve driver safety and stay alive behind the wheel. As a parent, if your son or daughter has recently gotten their driver’s license, or even if they’ve been driving for a year or more, it’s understandable why you worry about their safety. Rather than locking up your car keys and refusing to allow your children to drive until... View Article

How to Find a Hidden GPS Tracker on Your Car (Updated for 2021)

September 6, 2018 7:12 am Published by Leave your thoughts

First of all, if you think you may have a hidden GPS tracker on your car, you need to call a mechanic that you trust. He will be able to identify it and help you to remove it. We don’t provide this type of service, but we are happy to provide this complete article with all the information you need. Stories about privacy violations, data breaches, stalkers, and if it’s ok for someone to be tracking our every move, dominate the headlines today. As a result, GPS tracking often gets a bad rap. As we pointed out in our previous post, there... View Article

How Stalkers Use Hidden GPS Trackers To Spy On You

August 30, 2018 7:05 am Published by Leave your thoughts

It’s hard to know exactly how many stalkers and other criminals use hidden GPS devices to monitor their victims. The last time the US Department of Justice released any data on criminal stalking was January 13, 2009. However, that report states that stalkers used electronic monitoring in 1 out of 13 instances, and that about a third of victims reported their stalker showing up wherever the victim went. Many experts estimate the practice of keeping tabs on a victim’s location has only increased since the DOJ release their report. Types of GPS Tracking Devices The monitored GPS tracking device is... View Article

How Do You Know Which GPS Tracker Is Right For You?

August 23, 2018 8:13 am Published by Leave your thoughts

When you’re faced with deciding whether or not you need to employ GPS tracking at your home or business, it can be hard to know which type of tracker is the right one to choose. From real-time fleet tracking to asset tracking to portable battery tracking and teen tracking, there is a specific GPS tracker that’s right for each use. Each type of GPS tracker also has multiple options. That means your choice also depends on the number of vehicles or items you need to manage as well as the size of your budget. There are GPS devices that are... View Article

What Are the Benefits of Live GPS Tracking in 2018

August 15, 2018 9:59 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Real-time GPS tracking has come a long way since the first satellites were sent up in 1978, but as with any significant change in the status quo, many businesses are still leery about letting go of their previous, tried-and-true methods. Some might also be made wary by the greater oversight that such technology gives over employee actions. Does using it mean that a manager doesn’t trust his workers or that drivers can’t be relied on to do their jobs incorrectly? Not at all. GPS can certainly be used to correct course if it’s necessary, but it can also simply be... View Article

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