Author Archives for Malcolm Rosenfeld

The hood of a red semi-truck emerges from complete darkness with headlights on to imply it was using a GPS jammer hoping to hide from an employer.

How to Combat Employees Who Use GPS Jammers

November 13, 2018 10:16 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Thousands of businesses across the United States have a GPS problem. Employees have learned how to mess with GPS. GPS spoofing and GPS jamming devices have become inexpensive and easy to use. For as little as $10, delivery drivers and long-haul truckers can disguise their locations so dispatchers won’t know they are taking long breakfast breaks or having a tryst at the motel 6. Teenagers have learned how to use GPS jammers to block their parents’ tracking apps and for cheating at Pokémon Go. Nefarious drug runners and human traffickers spoof border patrol drones. And dodgy freight companies can use... View Article

Should I Use Hidden GPS

Should I Use a Hidden GPS Tracker

October 23, 2018 7:38 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Whether you’re managing a fleet of vehicles at a business or the concerned parent of an unpredictable teen driver, there are times when you may ask yourself, “should I use a hidden GPS tracker?” It’s not an easy question to answer. Of course, you want to trust your child and your employees, and you want to be transparent. We’ve already talked about what employees think about GPS tracking at work, as well as how GPS tracking helps you ensure your teen is driving safely. In both case cases, it’s usually best to be open about the fact that you’re using... View Article

Truck driver is dark blue ball cap and blue plaid shirt talks into a CB Radio

The Truck Driver Shortage of 2018

October 16, 2018 10:01 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Whether you’re the fleet manager for a large freight company or you own a small fleet of just a few trucks, you know the number of drivers entering the profession is at rock bottom. But how did we get here and what are the solutions if any to the truck driver shortage of 2018? “This thing has been slowly rolling toward an obvious problem. The industry is not attracting and retaining younger workers. This is something everyone has known, but there has not been a respectful approach by the industry to this problem.” So asserts Steve Viscelli, a former trucker... View Article

Male employee puts arms out in front of empty parking space where his vehicle and equipment should be.

Tales of GPS Tracking and Employees Gone Wrong

October 2, 2018 8:48 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

While we can go on at length about the company benefits that come from an investment in GPS technologies, most of those perks exist in a bubble of theory; yes, they sound pretty good, but they’re all just supposition, right? Maybe you need something a little more concrete. Testimonials and stories from actual users of GPS systems can give you a clearer idea of what the technology could do for you down the line, so let’s look at a few different incidents and how they demonstrate the perks of the technology. How GPS Tracking Stops Wage Theft Michael Woodall, a... View Article

How Can Fleet Management Help With ELD Compliance

How Can Fleet Management Help With ELD Compliance?

September 25, 2018 10:13 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

With all the changes in the delivery and trucking industries, if you run a small trucking or delivery service, you know there’s a lot to keep up with when it comes to logistics. If you’re trying to manage everything using pen and paper, or even spreadsheets on your computer, you’ve probably had those moments where you could tear your hair out or had a 4-Advil headache. But change is not just hard; it’s also expensive. Moreover, when it comes to fleet management and GPS fleet tracking, you might have decided that doing things the old-fashioned way, no matter how stressful... View Article

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