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Car Dealerships

Do Car Dealerships Have Tracking Devices?

August 29, 2024 2:55 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

In today’s rapidly advancing technological landscape, the reach and sophistication of tracking devices have expanded considerably. From smartphones to smartwatches, GPS technology is seamlessly woven into various facets of our daily lives. However, the application of vehicle tracking solutions in cars—specifically, those in car dealerships—has prompted many questions and concerns. One question that has resonated with both consumers and professionals alike is: Do car dealerships have tracking devices? The Purpose of Tracking Devices in Car Dealerships Preventing Theft and Recapturing Vehicles One of the biggest reasons car dealerships will employ tracking devices is to safeguard their assets from theft. At... View Article

Vehicle Tracking

What Are the Methods of Tracking a Vehicle?

August 29, 2024 2:55 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

In our technologically advanced world, the ability to track and monitor vehicles has become an essential requirement for businesses, law enforcement, and individuals alike. From ensuring fleet efficiency to securing personal property, vehicle tracking solutions offer a range of benefits and capabilities that make them indispensable tools. Today, we’ll explore several vehicle tracking solutions, shedding light on how each technique works, its advantages, and potential applications. 1. GPS (Global Positioning System) Tracking Understanding GPS Tracking GPS tracking is the most common and widely used method of vehicle tracking. It employs a network of satellites orbiting the Earth to pinpoint a... View Article

Get Educated About the End of 2G

August 9, 2016 7:35 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

What is 2G? 2G is cell technology that was used extensively by mobile phone providers and devices that run on those networks, like GPS vehicle-tracking devices for your work vehicles.   Why is 2G going away and why does it matter? Technology evolves, and faster technologies (3G, 4G) have replaced 2G. Many major data carriers like AT&T have announced plans to turn off their 2G towers by end of 2016, and are already taking down their 2G towers. GPS users on 2G are already starting to see service degradation and service outages in certain areas meaning their vehicles can’t be... View Article

Ride into the 2G Sunset with GPS Technologies

June 30, 2016 12:45 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Have you updated your GPS tracking device yet? AT&T and T-Mobile are shutting down their 2G networks to open up more channels for newer technologies to run on. This shut down is also referred to as the 2G Sunset. Consequently, all tracking systems from GPS Technologies are moving away from 2G and transitioning to a 3G network. If you haven’t made the transition yet here’s what you need to know: AT&T is shutting down their entire 2G network. The 2G Sunset has already begun in some locations. By January 1, 2017 all 2G trackers will stop reporting. Until then, 2G... View Article

Youngstown Achieves its Goals

June 17, 2016 12:11 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Three years ago the City of Youngstown required a tracking system that would allow them to better manage their city fleets. They were looking to increase driver accountability during the workday. Having seen the improved efficiency of the Youngstown Police Department, after installing 51 Vehicle Track units in their squad cars, the City of Youngstown decided to, initially, install tracking units in 100 municipal vehicles. The most important factor was cost. The budget approved for the tracking system purchase only allowed for the hardware outlay; the budget did not allow for a recurring annual fee that live systems incur. The... View Article

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