August 9, 2018 7:46 am
Published by Malcolm Rosenfeld
Big changes always make waves, and staying afloat as they arrive, is usually a messy business. So it’s no surprise that the FMCSA’s mandatory requirement for fleets to install electronic logging devices (ELDs) in every service vehicle has had a rather rough ride to shore as it’s been rolled out. Published at the end of 2015, the rule gave the shipping industry until December of 2017 to meet compliance requirements. And while two years seems like it would be more than enough time to make the switch, there have been enough hiccups along the way to guarantee that such a... View Article
August 2, 2018 7:33 am
Published by Malcolm Rosenfeld
The FMCSA’s recent adoption of mandatory ELDs (electronic logging devices) in fleet vehicles has forced a shift in mindset not only within the transportation industry but also within the ranks of law enforcement officers charged with maintaining the new rules. And just as said transition has proven to be a slightly messy affair for the companies behind the wheel, the change hasn’t been an entirely smooth ride for law enforcement, either. The Three Month ELD Mandate Grace Period Ended April 2018 The three-month grace period known as “soft enforcement” ended on April 1, which means that inspectors on the road... View Article
July 26, 2018 3:49 pm
Published by Malcolm Rosenfeld
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) passed its requirement for trucking fleets to implement electronic logging devices (ELDs) back in December 2015. The second phase of this gradual rollout came (and went) at the end of last year, and the final stage — full compliance and mandatory use of self-certified ELDs that are registered with the FMCSA — still awaits at the end of 2019. While this rather dramatic push to force trucking companies and fleet management techniques into a more modernized, paperless system is a promising idea, in theory, transition on such a scale is inevitably going to... View Article
July 19, 2018 12:58 pm
Published by Malcolm Rosenfeld
One of the most common assumptions people make when they hear the term “GPS” is that GPS tracking and GPS navigation are the same things. While both tools use the Global Positioning Satellites, the two activities are different as are the devices and services. It doesn’t help that when you watch a TV show or go to the movies, the characters often talk about tracking people using their phone. So, what exactly is the difference between GPS tracking and GPS navigation? Let’s look at each of them individually. GPS tracking, which is utilizing satellite information to record one’s course of... View Article
July 12, 2018 9:03 am
Published by Malcolm Rosenfeld
Over the last decade or two, consumer use of GPS technology for navigation and tracking has exploded. We’re so reliant on GPS and map apps that use GPS to help us find our way around, most of us find it difficult to imagine a time when people actually were pretty good at finding our way from point A to point C and points in between for thousands of years with little to no technology or gear. These days most of us don’t know how to navigate without GPS. You might not know what to do if you can’t access your GPS... View Article