
Do Commercial Vehicle Systems Support Your Business?

December 19, 2014 Published by

As a transport business owner, it is important for you to have complete information about each vehicle of your fleet. You should have knowledge about where a particular vehicle is, what the driver of a particular vehicle is doing, etc. Most of transport business owners are using GPS enabled vehicle tracking device.

The right device for the right purpose

December 19, 2014 Published by

With the increasing accidents and robberies of vehicles, the researchers have made the advanced tracking system that can locate the accurate location of your vehicle and your driver. This is how; you can locate the correct location with accurate timings as it is not possible to keep an eye on your vehicle all the time.

GPS Technologies on NBC Weekend Web TV

November 23, 2013 Published by

See WMAQ-5TV interview Malcolm Rosenfeld of GPS Technologies on the latest in GPS vehicle location and tracking products. Vehicle Track is the lowest cost live tracking system for a fleet and teen vehicle. It is simple to install and at $17.95 per month, provides complete route, speed and stop information via the web or cell phone. This is available as a plug in unit that takes 10 seconds to install and will provide 16 complete reports to manage your fleet. Fleet Tracking | Asset Tracking | Portable Tracking | Teen Tracking