
Five Tips for Keeping Your Freight Secure

July 1, 2017 Published by

The open road may not be the high seas, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t still pirates out there looking to make off with your precious cargo! Every year there are millions and millions of dollars of profit lost due to stolen freight across the United States. From rogue drivers that load up and drive off, to truck hijackings, to products that disappear between weigh stations, money could be coming off the back of your truck quicker than you realize. Putting a stop to it demands that attention be paid to some modern freight tracking and security technologies. Take a... View Article

Six Ways GPS Tracking Has Changed Trucking Forever

June 29, 2017 Published by

The long-haul trucking industry is something of a modern marvel. It may not seem like it, but there’s an immense amount of technology powering the fleets of 18-wheelers and transport trucks you see on the road today. Most of it involves fleet GPS tracking and all of the benefits that come with it. Trucking is about more than just hauling products from point A to point B—it’s about getting these items to their destination quickly, safely and at the lowest possible cost. These variables and more depend on the information that GPS fleet monitoring offers. Let’s take a look at... View Article

Seven Safety Secrets for Parents of Teen Drivers

June 21, 2017 Published by

Handing over the keys of your car to a brand-new teen driver is one of the most exciting and nerve-racking experiences for a parent. On the one hand, you’re confident that your child will be responsible and you’re excited to give them the freedom that comes with being a driver. On the other hand, however, they’re young and inexperienced on the road, which can lead to more than a few dangerous situations. If you’re feeling more anxious than confident, there are ways to quell your fears. Let’s take a look at seven simple safety secrets that many parents use to... View Article

Mythbusting: GPS Tracking in TV and Movies

June 14, 2017 Published by

GPS tracking is one of the most convenient answers to questions of location in movies. How did you locate the stolen shipment of cars? Where did the kidnappers take their hostage? These questions and more are often magically solved by a single, simple solution: GPS tracking devices. Of course, as per usual, Hollywood is over-exaggerating a bit when it comes to the capabilities and convenience of GPS tracking in movies. In fact, the explanation movies often give for GPS tracking is completely inaccurate! Here are a few myths that movies tend to capitalize on and what the truth behind them... View Article

Dementia and Driving: Seven Signs It’s Time to Stop

June 7, 2017 Published by

It’s a hard situation to face, but there may come a time in your life when you need to have a candid conversation with your aging parent and relieve them of their car keys. If they’re suffering from dementia or have showed signs of slowing mental faculties, they may pose a tremendous risk to themselves or others behind the wheel of a car. Taking away their keys may not be easy, but it’s often necessary. How do you know when it’s time to retire an aging person’s driving privileges? There are many telltale signs that can alert you to developing... View Article