
6 Best Ways to Track Teen Drivers

December 16, 2022 Published by
teen driving with a group of friends

There are good reasons for parents of teen drivers to worry. The statistics on teen drivers in the USA are worrisome. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration: Teenage drivers don’t have the experience to recognize and respond appropriately to dangerous situations. Driving at night is especially hazardous for teenage drivers. Drivers aged 16 to 19 are three times as likely to be involved in fatal nighttime crashes as drivers aged 30 to 59. Over 40 percent of teenagers don’t wear seatbelts when they are in the passenger seat. Among passengers aged 16 to 19 who died in car... View Article

Can Employers Use GPS to Track Employees?

November 23, 2022 Published by

GPS technology gives employers powerful tools for keeping tabs on the location of vehicles, equipment, and the employees who operate them. Employers can easily track employees in the field through the GPS devices in their vehicles or in company-owned phones. Tracking employee location with GPS offers many benefits, including: Increased efficiency through streamlined routing and deliveries. Ensuring employee compliance with traffic rules and safety regulations. Monitoring compliance with overtime regulations and safety laws. Verifying time sheets (or logging time electronically) and compliance with company rules and regulations for the use of company vehicles. However, every company that uses GPS is... View Article

How Does Fleet Tracking Work For a Business?

November 23, 2022 Published by
Fleet Tracking

If you have never used telematic fleet tracking before, your idea of GPS tracking may be one red dot on a map for one vehicle, and lots of red dots on a larger map for a fleet of vehicles. But modern telematic GPS tracking systems offer so much more. Real-time telematic tracking with GPS empowers your company to use your fleet to complete more jobs with fewer hours and fewer miles. You won’t need to call drivers for updates to track trucks, delivery vans, and shipments, and you can use telematic fleet tracking with GPS technologies to keep tabs on... View Article

What Is the New ELD Mandate?

October 11, 2022 Published by
electronic logging device

Trucking is the most common job in the United States. Some long-haul carriers are being automated, but trucking is something that will never be outsourced to another country. But two changes to the way trucks are regulated are now here. The first major change in the federal regulation of trucking is the ELD (electronic logging device) mandate. The law requiring commercial vehicles to have ELDs was passed in 2012 and went into effect in 2019. There were exemptions for carriers of food and fuel, livestock feed, and COVID relief supplies, but those expired at the end of May 2022. As... View Article

Where to Hide a GPS Tracker on a Car

February 16, 2022 Published by

GPS trackers can be an enormously useful tool for tracking a stolen car and a great way to keep tabs on the people you love, but it’s almost never a good idea to install them in a conspicuous place. After all, you don’t want a car thief to find your tracker and disable it. You don’t want a rebellious teen to be able to defeat your GPS monitoring system, and you may not want an elderly parent in cognitive decline to know you monitor their movements. Even if you trust the people you let drive your car, every GPS tracker... View Article