3 Next-Gen GPS Tracking Features
Technology is constantly being improved and innovated upon, and often the results are of direct benefit to our daily lives. GPS technology is no different, and today, numerous industries around the world utilize GPS to help them optimize their operations, streamline their successes and prevent potential pitfalls.
Want Peace of Mind? Track Driving Habits with Teen Track Live!
Wondering if your teen driver is driving recklessly – hard breaking and speeding? Know for sure with this affordable GPS tracker that lets you know where your kid’s car is located, sends you automated alerts, and, best of all, comes with NO CONTRACT!
It’s not just raw GPS technology that has improved, either: it’s all of the peripheral technologies and integrations that have also improved that have allowed GPS to flourish so prolifically. Thanks to partner technologies, GPS capabilities are infinite in their potential and applicable to unfathomable degrees. Take a look at just three amazingly simple, yet highly practical features that leverage GPS tracking today:
- Geo-barrier implementation: Got a teen driver who’s not supposed to go more than 10 miles from home? Monitoring a fleet vehicle that’s not allowed to cross state lines? Today’s modern GPS tracking services enable something called geo-barriers to prevent drivers from straying into areas they’re not allowed to visit. Geo-barriers alert controllers when a GPS unit is nearing or has crossed a specifically-defined geographic border. If your teen driver tries to sneak a quick trip outside their limits or your fleet vehicle wanders off path and over state lines, you’ll be notified and be able to monitor the situation.
- Speed alerting: Speed is a factor in many driving equations. It can impact how your fuel economy is optimized or it can determine driving tendencies of an individual. Knowing the speed of a vehicle and being able to keep it in check is easy if you’re the driver—and now, GPS technology makes this possible if you’re a controller. Speed limit alerts and speed monitoring statistics allow you to quickly address situations where speed is too high or too low, helping you to communicate with drivers in real time to keep them focused and on track.
- Fleet tracking: If you manage a fleet of 100 vehicles, knowing where they all are at any given time may seem impossible. Through a GPS tracking service, however, it’s highly probable and hugely beneficial! It allows logistical managers to make adjustments in real time, route fleet vehicles instantly and predict next steps with amazing accuracy. Instead of having to communicate with every vehicle or every driver, fleet tracking maps everything all at once for a visual representation that’s widely accessible.
When combined with complementary technologies, the potential for GPS extends even further. Sync a GPS unit with climate controls in a moving container to automate temperature adjustments or create alert settings. Install covert GPS in the starter module of construction equipment to help prevent theft and track intrusions. You can even hand off personal GPS devices to a hiker with a satellite phone to ensure they’re always able to be tracked, no matter where in the wilderness they may be. Wondering if your teen driver is driving recklessly – hard breaking and speeding? Know for sure with this affordable GPS tracker that lets you know where your kid’s car is located, sends you automated alerts, and, best of all, comes with NO CONTRACT!
Want Peace of Mind? Track Driving Habits with Teen Track Live!
To see how the power of GPS can be leveraged for your benefit, no matter your application or need, get in touch with GPS Technologies today! We can help tailor GPS to fit within your realm of requirements, unlocking tremendous potential no matter the use.
Categorised in: News
This post was written by Malcolm Rosenfeld
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